June 2024 eNewsletter

In This Issue:


Another Successful IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s

Thank you to everyone who participated, donated & volunteered!

Over 800 people braved the weather to join us at Assiniboine Park on Saturday, May 25 for the 2024 IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s. The energy felt throughout the day was positive and inspiring – bringing us closer together as a community despite the rainy conditions! A big thank you to all Walk participants, donors and volunteers for helping to make this year’s Walk a success. We’re so grateful for your dedication and support!

You can watch our official Walk thank you video here and view the full Walk photo album on our Facebook page.

A big thank you as well to everyone who came out and participated in the Steinbach Walk on May 29!

There are still more Walks to join in this year: 

  • Brandon – Thursday, June 6 at 5:30 pm | Riverbank Discovery Centre, 545 Conservation Dr.
  • Selkirk – Thursday, June 13 at 5:30 pm | Gordon Howard Centre, 384 Eveline St.
  • Gimli – Friday, June 14 at 10 am | Betel Personal Care Home, 96 1 Ave.
  • Morden – Saturday, June 15 at 10 am | Tabor Home, 450 Loren Drive
  • Darlingford – Saturday, June 22 at 10 am | Memorial Park, 212 Bradburn St.

Our Walk website remains open and donations will continue to be accepted until June 30. Visit our official Walk website to join a Walk and donate today!

Special thanks to our route sponsor:



National Indigenous History Month: Connecting With Our Communities

June is National Indigenous History Month, an opportunity to recognize and learn more about Indigenous peoples’ diverse experiences and cultures.

At the Society, we’re working on growing our understanding of the unique impact dementia has on Indigenous communities so that our services can better meet their needs.

“Dementia is experienced differently by every individual and family,” says Nicole McDonald, Dementia-Friendly Communities Senior Manager at the Society. “Understanding and recognizing how our values, traditions and culture can impact the dementia journey is crucial to being able to provide the best care and quality of life.”

This past year, we’ve been working closely with Sherry Asham, Community Health Representative at Peguis Health Centre to learn more about how dementia impacts Peguis First Nation and how we can work together to help support families navigating the complexities of the disease in the community.

“I think people here have a hard time talking about dementia, mainly due to lack of education, resources in the community and the stigma around dementia,” Sherry says. “Having access to information about dementia can help a lot of people in our community.”

Wilma Murdock, a HealthCare Aid at Peguis Community Health Centre, says that continuing to have the Society come out to Peguis to share information and resources could help create a better understanding of dementia within the community.

“Learning more about the different challenges the disease brings can help people know what’s going on with their family members and prepare for what’s ahead,” says Wilma.

The Society is committed to growing more connections in Indigenous communities throughout Manitoba so we can continue to build relationships and better understand the unique needs of each community – helping us to offer dementia support in a meaningful way.

Visit the National Indigenous History Month page on the Government of Canada website for information and resources you can use all month long.



Pride Month: Dementia & the 2SLGBTQ+ Community 

At the Alzheimer Society, we’re dedicated to providing an inclusive space for everyone and helping both people living with dementia and their care partners navigate the specific barriers they may face when accessing care and support.

The most recent Landmark Study report, “The Many Faces of Dementia in Canada”, states that 2SLGBTQ+ adults have higher rates of cognitive impairment when compared to heterosexual or cisgender folks. The report brings attention to the unique issues people living with dementia and care partners in the 2SLGBTQ+ community experience, including depression, social isolation and concerns about discrimination that lead to being refused care.

Egale Canada launched a campaign in January 2024 called “Help Us Remain”, which highlights the barriers and gaps in understanding around 2SLGBTQ+ older adults and dementia. Egale explains that the Canadian healthcare system isn’t equipped for folks in this community who live with dementia.

Dementia is complex and impacts everybody differently, but it is much more than losing memories. This Pride month, we want everyone to remember that the Society is here to help. We offer a safe space for those affected by dementia, including members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

It’s our goal to help our clients feel heard and comfortable accessing support every day.



You’re Invited! 2024 Annual General Meeting

Please join us as we celebrate a year of accomplishments at our Annual General Meeting.

Wednesday, June 19
Alzheimer Society – Provincial Office 
10-120 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB (
Mezzanine Level)
5:30 pm

RSVP to Bonny Neal by Friday, June 14 at [email protected] or 204-943-6622.



Alzheimer Society of Canada Survey – Leqembi (lecanemab) and Donanemab

The Alzheimer Society of Canada is looking for input from people living with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and their care partners. Health Canada wants to learn about experiences with the condition, the health-care system and treatments.

Health Canada is currently reviewing Leqembi (lecanemab) and donanemab – medications to treat early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. As a part of the drug approval process, input from those who may be qualified to receive the drug helps shed light on the impact that these medications have on those taking them and on those who support them. It’s important to have a clear picture of the impacts of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. With the results of this survey, the Alzheimer Society of Canada will make a submission to this agency to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience are represented and considered during this review process.

Here is the link to the survey for people living with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease: research.net/r/Iamapersonwithalzheimers

Here is the link to the survey for people who support those living with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease: research.net/r/Iamacaregiver

Writing about your experiences with dementia may be challenging. If you find that the questions are upsetting or stressful in any way, please contact us for support by calling 204-943-6622 (Winnipeg) / 1-800-378-6699 (Manitoba) or emailing [email protected].

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact [email protected] or call 1-800-616-8816 ext: 2973.



Summer Family Education Sessions

Join us this summer to learn about a variety of caregiving topics, including the relationship between sleep and dementia, financial confidence, navigating the long-term care system and more. These sessions are free to attend and offered via Zoom.

Click here to register for our upcoming Family Education sessions.

Here’s what’s coming up:

Sleep Matters: Understanding the Relationship Between Sleep & Dementia
In this session, important aspects about the relationship between sleep and dementia will be discussed. Participants will discover:

  • how insufficient sleep increases the risk of falls and responsive behaviours in people living with dementia
  • ways to identify features in the environment that contribute to poor sleep
  • practical strategies to help improve sleep

Tuesday, June 11 | 2 – 3 pm

Q & A with First Link® Client Support Staff
Do you have questions about dementia? Caregiving strategies? Communication tips? Join our First Link Client Support staff, who will provide a short presentation on some of the common questions received by the Client Support team about navigating the dementia journey. We will also leave time for attendees to ask other questions during an extended Q & A period.
Tuesday, June 25 | 10 – 11 am

Financial Confidence Workshop, presented by IG Wealth Management
Feeling confident about your finances can positively impact many areas of your life and overall health. This presentation will cover benefits you may qualify for and how you can access them (like government and tax benefits and credits) and fundamental planning all Canadians should have in place to protect themselves.
Tuesday, July 16 | 2 – 3 pm

Navigating the Long-Term Care System
What is paneling and how do you initiate the process? These questions and more will be answered. Recognizing that everyone’s dementia journey is different, this session will outline the “typical steps” that can be helpful when navigating the long-term care system.
Tuesday, August 13 | 2 – 3 pm

Family Education: Next Steps: You can choose to watch these online sessions in-person at the Alzheimer Society office (10-120 Donald Street, Winnipeg) – the speaker will not be presenting in-person. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in this option.

Family Education programs sponsored by:

Visit the links below to view and register for more upcoming sessions.

Family Education | Upcoming Seminars



Care4u Family Conference 2024 – Save the Date

The Alzheimer Society invites you to join us this October for our Care4u Family Conference 2024. Get ready for a day of learning strategies and discovering resources to help you find and strengthen your courage as a care partner for someone living with dementia.

When: Saturday, October 19 2024 | 9 am – 3:30 pm
Where: Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre, 1808 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg
Registration Opens August 2024

This event is sponsored by:



Stay Connected & Join a Support Group this Summer

If you’re living with or supporting someone living with dementia, our support groups are for you! These groups run throughout the summer, with virtual or in-person options across the province. 

When you join a support group, you connect with a community of people you can lean on for encouragement and understanding. You’ll also learn more about dementia and its progression, exchange practical coping strategies and mutual support and participate in meaningful discussions.

There are a variety of unique groups to choose from – come join us and find a community of support.

Call us at 204-943-6622/1-800-378-6622 or email [email protected] to register for a support group or to discover the best group to meet your needs.

For a complete listing of support groups, visit the links below:

Support Groups for Care Partners

Support Groups for People Living with Dementia

We welcome everyone to this inclusive environment for people of different ethnicities, cultures or persons who identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.



10 ways to reduce your risk of dementia

While some risk factors for dementia can’t be changed – like genetics and age – there are many ways you can take action to reduce your overall risk at any time of life. The more actions you take, the better! And if you can’t improve on one factor here, work on improving others – there’s always a chance to take action and reduce your risk in one way or another.

Read about the 10 ways to reduce your risk of dementia in our downloadable poster.

Together, we can take action to reduce our own dementia risk.



Upcoming Community Partner Programs

Participating in our community partner programs is a great way to get out, learn something new and see some friendly faces! The Alzheimer Society partners with community organizations to create programs designed especially for people living with early to moderate symptoms of dementia to attend with their family members, friends or care partners. Check out the programs currently running:

Tune-Up Café (New program!)

Tune-Up Café is for individuals living with early to moderate signs of dementia and their care partners. It’s an inclusive and welcoming meeting place for singing, making social connections and sipping on a cuppa!

Spring Program (8 weeks)
Convalescent Home of Winnipeg, 276 Hugo Street, Winnipeg
Tuesday evenings, 6:15 – 7:45 pm
May 7 – June 25, 2024
There is no fee to attend. 

The next gathering takes place on Tuesday, June 11, from 6:15 – 7:45 pm.

Space is limited, so pre-registration is required by sending an email to [email protected] to express interest.

Dalnavert Museum Dementia-Friendly Tours

Come to the Dalnavert Museum for their monthly dementia-friendly tours. This program allows people living with early to moderate symptoms of dementia and their care partners to step back in time and explore the historic house and its collection.

After your tour of the museum, join them for tea and coffee and a closer look at some artifacts.

Please note: The upper floors of the museum are only accessible by stairs. If stairs pose a barrier, there will be the option of exploring the upper floors of the house with a tour guide in the Visitors’ Centre through our virtual tour. Folding cane-seats can be borrowed free of charge during your visit and there will be seating available throughout the museum.

Monthly Program
Dalnavert Museum, 61 Carlton St, Winnipeg
The last Saturday of every month, 10 – 11:30 am
Cost: $24.00 (plus tax) per pair and session, $12.00 per pair and session if one of the pair is a Dalnavert Museum Member

The next session is Saturday, June 29, from 10 – 11:30 am.

Register today on the Dalnavert Museum and Visitors’ Centre website.



NEW Minds in Motion® Evening Session Coming This June

We’re excited to share that our first-ever Minds in Motion evening session is starting this June! This will also be the very first session offered in summer – so fans of the program can continue to enjoy weekly fitness and fun throughout June and July.

This session kicks off on June 11 and will run every Tuesday from 6 – 8 pm until July 30. The after-work hours are perfect for those with busy daytime schedules and who can’t always attend our morning and afternoon programs.

See the details below and stay tuned for upcoming registration info!

Minds in Motion Summer Session:
Rady JCC Fitness Centre –  123 Doncaster St, Winnipeg
Tuesdays, 6 – 8 pm
June 11 – July 30
Call to register: 204-477-7510



Follow Us On Social Media

Join us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) for the most current news, information and resources. If you’re already following us on social media, invite your friends to do the same!




X (formerly Twitter)



We Rely on Your Donations to Continue Our Work

Your gifts are put to immediate use through our First Link Client Support team, support groups and education programs.






Remember. You Are Not Alone.

Are you struggling to figure out your next steps? Our First Link® Client Support team is here to listen and help guide you through difficult times – from when you are concerned about your own, a family member or a friend’s memory, right through to the later symptoms of dementia. Call us today at 204-943-6622 (Wpg) / 1-800-378-6622 (MB), email [email protected] or fill out our online form and we will reach out to you.