
three generationsCurrently, over 18,400 Manitobans have Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. This number is growing rapidly and by 2050 it is expected to reach over 39,100.

This predicted growth is a crisis. The numbers will overwhelm our families, our healthcare system and our economy if we don’t act now. We need your help to make dementia care a health priority.

It is because of people like you who share your stories or experiences and make time to connect with decision-makers, that we can make a difference and keep dementia care on the health agenda!


Raise Your Voice

The Alzheimer Society provides a voice for all Manitobans affected by dementia to all levels of government. But we can’t do it alone.

During various advocacy campaigns, the Society will need you to Raise Your Voice in order to help better the lives of people affected by dementia.

Please send an email with your contact information to [email protected] and when the time is right, we may ask you to write or email, make a phone call, or use Facebook/Twitter to contact our political leaders about a current initiative.

Make sure to keep up-to-date with all of the latest news and information from the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba by following our Twitter feed (@AlzheimerMB), like us on Facebook and subscribing to our YouTube channel.

By working together we can offer the best care today and hope for a world without Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Contact us at 204-943-6622 or toll-free at 1-800-378-6699 or email [email protected].


Advocacy Skills for Caregivers

Caregivers of people with dementia find they need to advocate on behalf of the person they care for and themselves.  They need to present their concerns and requests for action to other family members, community care providers and health care professionals.  Being an advocate requires skills that include problem solving, communication and often persistence.

To assist caregivers in their advocacy roles the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba has prepared a suite of factsheets:

What is an Advocate?

Getting Organized

Successful Advocacy Meetings

Building Agreement for Action

Communicating Effectively

Click here for the presentation, “Speak Up – Advocacy Skills for Caregivers”

If you have any concerns regarding these or any other issues please email Erin Crawford, Chief Executive Officer


Your generosity allows us to provide information, support and education and funds important research initiatives.

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We need volunteers of all ages and skills to help make a difference in the lives of people with dementia.

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